Winter edition


Give me this mountain . . . if the Lord be with me, . . . then I shall be able. Jos. 14:12

For those who follow us on FACEBOOK this will be old news. We have had confirmation that we would be able to rent Awana Landing once again this summer. This has been an answer to prayer. Now we have sent out camper registrations for all three camps along with their Bible studies. Our board continues to work on the possibility of purchasing a camp home somewhere in the mid-north area.

Once the weather breaks we will be on the road again visiting all our First Nation communities. Harvey stopped by to pick up the gifts from our support partners for the northern reserves. He was delayed as the flu laid all his family low. This is a continuing project that helps our northern pastors encourage their folk. There are always needs and everyone is invited to join these generous partners that labour to help open doors for our work. Pray for Harvey and Margo as they will soon be having an addition to their family.

Elaine and Ron continue to prepare for the summer. They rejoice in the provision of an office in a local church. We are investigating the possibility of holding a training week for our summer staff. Elaine would prepare the chapel leaders with a program geared to First Nations. It has been years since we have been able to train our staff on home territory. This gives our missionaries opportunity to connect with the staff before the camps begin.

Harvey and Margo and Ron and Elaine continue to raise their support. Carol and I also need to raise some additional support as a number of our ministry partners have been called home this past year. They were great partners and we miss these faithful co-workers in the harvest field. All of us are available to minister to your church and individual groups. We would welcome any opportunity to share with them. Please send a separate note with your gift naming which missionary or camp project you are sponsoring.

We were speaking with Linda, our teacher friend, from Constance Lake First Nation. She relayed how they had held a Christmas service at the church. At that time the gifts from our knitting groups were distributed to the children and others. She mentioned how the senior ladies were thrilled with the beautiful Afghans and blankets the ladies had knit.

Our Bible study program is undergoing a change. The next distribution of material in March will see our ministry provide the campers with the "Wonder Devotional" study booklets published by C.E.F.. These are progressive studies especially designed for non church children.

Carol and I especially appreciate our personal and church support co-workers. Without your partnership in prayer, and giving we would be unable to carry on this Christ honouring ministry with our First Nation peoples and children. We have been encouraged as the Lord has sent the Delports and the Johnston-Scotts to share in the work and the blessings. Once again the work is expanding as God has given us a vision for a second children's week of ministry at Dorothy Lake, the leadership team has seen fit to expand the canoe adventure trip by one more day, and we are working on preparing for a team training time. Ministry takes commitment, time, and energy and we have been blest as our team is up to the challenge. Both missionaries and board members are open to the leading of the Lord. Is God calling You to be part of His outreach team?

Good Seed- The French version of "By This Name" is at the printers and will soon be available. Call us to order any and all of the Good Seed materials for your teaching and outreach with adults and children. They are available in a number of languages. All materials are very reasonably priced for individual and small group sessions.


*for continued additional gifts for the First Nation communities from our knitter groups.

*for Alice May, a former camp cook, is responding to experimental cancer treatment.

*for support coming in for Elaine & Ron, Harvey & Margo. Prayer Appreciated.

*for campers who are now receiving Bible studies, more follow up & camp invitations.


*invitations for Carol & I & our two associate couples to minister this winter & spring.

*for increased personal support for all missionary couples. P.T.L., some response.

*for an understudy couple for Carol & me that would prepare for a leadership transition....

*our First Nation pastors as they minister healing to those in First Nation communities.

*for members for our Air Miles program. Please request our Georgian collector's card.


*for our mission team as we recruit staff and prepare for summer 2011.

*for camp staff members for this summer. Please consider God's call to service. Call now!

*for Scott & Gillian for God's leading as they continue to look for employment.

*Glenn waits Canadian bureaucracy to practice pharmacy-exam passed-10yrs. experience.

*for Brent as he begins his own aviation charter business.

*for Carol as she goes for laser treatment for her eye.

*NOTE:Smoky Trail will pay for lifeguard training fees if you join our staff this summer.

We are looking forward to a great year, our seventeenth year, in the native work. You will find enclosed the 2011 camp posters and the camper sponsorship forms. Thank you for your participation in blessing the children. "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." 1Co 15:58. Your labour has not been in vain as we have seen the Lord move in the saving of many First Nation children each and every summer. May God be with you and continue to bless your faithfulness.



Hugh & Carol

Your Missionaries to Native Children.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hugh & Carol,
    I am trying to track you down, but I cannot find an email address for you or any of your workmates. Please contacts us and let us know where you are and an update on your ministry.

    Pastor Mark Barrett
    North Broadway Baptist Church - Tillsonburg, ON
